sound operator

Voicing Pieces

by Begüm Erciyas

In Voicing Pieces, one’s own voice is staged to become the protagonist. In the intimacy of an isolated sound booth, guided by a simple score, the audience becomes spectator of their own voice. The act of speaking and simultaneously hearing one’s own voice turns into a theatrical and choreographic experience, sculpted anew with each individual interpretation of the score. The voice becomes a place for action, a spectacle or a surprise. 

 Isn’t one's own voice always inauthentic and uncanny? Who is speaking, when one's own voice speaks? Rather than recognizing oneself in the stranger, Voicing Pieces is an invitation to recognize the stranger in oneself.  

Concept: Begüm Erciyas
Realization: Matthias Meppelink and Begüm Erciyas 
Production: Begüm Erciyas, Platform 0090 
Coproduction: wpZimmer, STUK Leuven, Tanzfabrik Berlin/ Tanznacht
Supported by Hauptstadkulturfonds Berlin

18-27 May 2017, Kunstenfestivaldesarts '17, Brussels
23-24 March 2018, Beursschouwburg, Brussels
7-9 September 2018, Het Theaterfestival / deSingel Antwerp
7-9 February 2019, De Brakke Grond, Amsterdam
13-16 March 2019, International Theaterfestival Oslo, Black Box Theatre Oslo
18-20 October 2019, Fierce Festival, Birmingham
20-24 November 2019, Istanbul International Theatre Festival
12-15 May 2020, auawirleben, Bern, Switzerland (cancelled, covid19)
15 June -16 August 2020, "State of the Arts", Bundeskunsthalle Bonn (cancelled, covid 19)
15-17 September 2023, deSingel Antwerp

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Charleroi Danses / Thierry De Mey - Equi Voci


Olga De Soto - Débords - Sound and video operator